Tricks & Sleeves' new single 'Raelene'

After a 3-year break (to produce a new generation of rockers!), Auckland-based indie outfit Tricks & Sleeves are back with a new track to add to your isolation playlist.

‘Raelene’ reintroduces us to that blend of catchy acoustic rhythms, electric textures, and the smooth harmonies we’ve come to love from these guys.

With vocal hints of Jimmy Eat World’s Jim Adkins, the carefree melodic vibe of Beach Fossils, and the folksiness of Fleet Foxes, this is a song for the times, and it’s accompanied by a video to treat both your aural and visual senses.

‘Raelene’ is now available on Spotify, Bandcamp, and all good digital platforms.

Watch ‘Raelene’ here: